Wednesday, October 28, 2009


FINALLY EXAM'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm a totally free man now........ its the end of form 3.......
now,whacking computer for the whole day!!!!!
haiz... now at home, dunno what 2 do........ very bored......

but at least i can follow my dad 2 work( he works in low yat, so can go there karaoke or jalan......)
planning on getting a dog soon..... goin 2 dog shelter this weekend....hope can find my "best friend"

Yesterday went to Times Square wif friends after exam.....
really had a gud time there....karaoke until our throats burst.......haha
we were shocked of someone which improved his singing a lot!!!!(u noe who i mean rite guys???)
when can we go out again???really hope that day could come......